70-625 Exam Information
Exam Number/Code : 70-625
Exam Name : TS: Connected Home Integrator
Published: August 22, 2008
Language(s): English, French, German
Audience(s): IT Professionals
Technology: Windows Vista
Type: Proctored Exam
About 70-625 Exam
Candidates for 70-625 exam are retail support technicians who have experience recommending, implementing, and troubleshooting connected solutions that use the Windows Vista platform. Connected solutions include personal computers, home automation, home networking, and home entertainment.
Itcerthome 70-625 Exam
Achieving the Microsoft 70-625 certification is the goal of many IT & Network professionals. The passing rate of the Microsoft 70-625 Tests is incredibly low. The purpose of Itcerthome Microsoft 70-625 practice test is to promote Microsoft 70-625 Certification. It’s surely not an easy task to do but doing the Microsoft 70-625 Training by using our practice test will ensure and encourage that you can earn the Microsoft 70-625 Certification..
Microsoft 70-625 exam is one of Microsoft Certifications. Itcerthome 70-625 practice test is a executable program that contains all 70-625 Q&As. This practice test can help you to pass 70-625 exam easily. It covers all necessary knowledge of the 70-625 exam.
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Itcerthome Microsoft 70-625 exam materials has already proved its uniqueness and accuracy through thousands of Itcerthome users who have passed their 70-625 exam quite easily using Itcerthome 70-625 practice test.